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Family Focus Groups ($60 Gift Cards Available)

Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting Hub is hosting focus groups for families with children 0-5!

This is an opportunity for families to participate in a virtual focus group about their experiences with early childcare and education services provided by the Four Rivers Early Learning Hub. We would like to better understand ways in which the hub can improve the regions services, identify any barriers families might face when accessing these services, and gather preliminary data from families that have experienced their child or children being suspended or expelled from a childcare facility.

This group is virtual for English speaking families and will be held on May 7th.  We have upcoming in-person focus groups scheduled for The Dalles (Spanish), Hood River (English), Native American Families. More information to come on these!

Your support is valuable in ensuring that the hub meets the needs of our region. Only those who have a child or children five and under and who reside in Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, Wasco, and Wheeler counties are eligible to participate in these focus groups.

The focus group will be 90 minutes and led by Pacific Research and Evaluation. As a thank you for their valuable feedback, they will receive a $60 e-gift certificate to use is most grocery stores..

You can click on the link below to sign up to register for the virtual focus group.

May 1

Positive Parenting Program - Hood River

May 10

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