Babies First Program:
A home visiting service provided by a Public Health Nurse offering care and support during pregnancy in addition to prenatal visits with your doctor. The nurse provides extra prenatal education, access to community services and breastfeeding education.
Families may request services by contacting:
Hood River: (541) 387-7131 www.co.hood-river.or.us/
North Central: (541) 506-2600 https://ncphd.org/
WIC (Women, Infants & Children):
Nutrition support and education program for women, infants & children from pregnancy to age five. Car seat program (training & low cost car seats)
Hood River: (541) 387-6882
North Central: (541) 506-2600
CaCoon Program:
A Public Health Nurse provides services for families of children and youth (0-21 years) who have or are at risk for having special health needs.
Website: www.ohsu.edu/occyshn/cacoon-carecoordination
Hood River: (541) 387-7119
North Central: (541) 506-2600
Providence Health & Services / Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital
Website: https://oregon.providence.org/our-services/b/breastfeeding-consultations/
Hood River: (541) 387-6344
North Central: (541) 506-2600
The Dalles One Community Health:
Provides a full range of medical services, in English and Spanish. Prenatal services include pregnancy, breastfeeding, and newborn care support and education. Discounts to low-income patients offered.
Hood River: (541) 386-6380
The Dalles: (541) 296-4610
Website: www.onecommunityhealth.org
Adventist Health Columbia Gorge
Call: (541) 296-1111
Website: www.mcmc.net/our-services/womens-health/birthing-center-childbirth/
La Leche League
Hood River
Wednesdays at 11am at Dog River Coffee. Led by Beth Rago. Siblings, partners and support people welcome. Breastfeeding support and information.
For more information, please email bethwatersrago@gmail.com