to provide feedback on the work of the Hub and the Early Learning Council
to develop leadership skills and engage in advocacy for the early learning initiatives needed locally.
to create an intentional community for parents of young children through shared activity.
The plan being developed and initiated by Oregon Department of Early Learning is all about making sure kids have equal chances to learn and succeed. And to do that they know they need to hear from many different voices and perspectives, including families and providers who work with young children, especially those in communities that haven't had as many chances to ask for what they really want.
Parent Leadership Council
The Parent Leadership Council consists of up to nine parents of children age 0-8 who have three primary goals:
We’re asking parents and providers about their experiences in our communities with services and what they think going well, and what needs additional support to reach the intended outcome for kids and families.
We want to know and help inform decision-makers on what’s working and what gets in the way, so they can work together with local partners and groups to reach their goals.
This initiative compensates its participants at a rate of $50/hour; because your time is valuable.
Please consider leaving your information below, although we haven’t quite kicked this initiative off yet, we’ll reach you via your preferred method of communication (and email) to introduce how it’ll work, when it’ll take place, and needs such as childcare before we commence.